Company Profile
PT. Multi
Harapan Utama is an Indonesian joint venture company incorporated in
In 1986 the
company was granted a coal concession area in East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. The coal cooperation agreement with the Indonesian Government
covers a period of 30 years until the year 2018
The Concession Area
The concession area is located 60 km to the south west of the provincial capital of Samarinda with the major Mahakam river passing through the area.
The original
area granted in 1986 covered 1900 square kilometres and as per the terms
of the agreement has been reduced to 25% of original holding, bening
some 475 square kilometres.
throughout the concession has proven several coal resources of mineable
potential including Busang, Sentuk, and Gitan areas.
To date over
120 million tonnes of coal reserve have been identified.
Busang Mine
The first
mining area selected was in the north of the concession at the Busang
mine planning and design of processing, stockpiling, and barge loading
facilities was undertaken in 1987.
The Busang mine
was brought into production in April 1988 and operates at a production
capacity of 2,000,000 MT/ annum.
Multi brand
coal produced from the mine is agood steaming of medium sulphur, medium
to high moisture, low ash, and a medium heating value.
Mining Operations
The Busang mine is a multi thin seam mining operation which requires stringent design, planning, and management control in order to maximize recovery from all mineable seams and achieve an optimum product coal blend.
drilling and strict sampling procedures are in place in order to manage
the sequence of coal extraction and produce a consistent quality
Several coal
faces are in operation at any one time and mining activity is undertaken
by conventional methods utilizing trucks, front-end loaders,
excavators, and bulldozers for both overburden removal and coal mining.
Coal seams are
carefully cleaned to prevent dilution and loaded by excavators into 30
tonne trucks for transportation to the Beloro facility which is situated
30 km north of the mining area.
The operations
is carried out by a mining contractor under strict supervision of PT.
Multi Harapan Utama.
Gitan and sentuk Coal Deposits
General exploration activity has been completed in the Gitan (Belumpur river) and Sentuk coal deposits.
reserves of good quality economically recoverable coal have been
identified and the decision made to develop a new 2,000,000 MT/ annum
The project
will require construction of a new stockpile and port facility at
Jembayan on the Mahakam river together with a 40 km coal haul road to
link the mine to the port.
acquisition has been completed at the stock pile/ port location and is
currently in progress for the access road.
A variety of
coal qualities will be available from the new mines and blended products
will be produced to meet a wider range of customer requirements, from
the current Multi brand market.
General exploration
activity has been completed in the Gitan (Belumpur river) and Sentuk
coal deposits.
reserves of good quality economically recoverable coal have been
identified and the decision made to develop a new 2,000,000 MT/ annum
The project
will require construction of a new stockpile and port facility at
Jembayan on the Mahakam river together with a 40 km coal haul road to
link the mine to the port.
acquisition has been completed at the stock pile/ port location and is
currently in progress for the access road.
A variety of
coal qualities will be available from the new mines and blended products
will be produced to meet a wider range of customer requirements, from
the current Multi brand market.
The Beloro
facilities include the site administration office, processing plant,
stockpiling and barge loading terminal situated on the south bank of the
Mahakam river.
Raw coal
stockpile for crushing and washing through the plant at a rate of 400
MT/ hour.
Total stockpile
capacity is 135,000 MT
At Beloro coal
is reclaimed from the product stockpile by dozer and underground hopper
to a fixed barge loader for delivery at 1,000MT/ hour into ocean going
barges up to 8,000 DWT.
From the Beloro
jetty coal is transported downstream on the Mahakam river to the open
For domestic
customers coal is barged directly and for export it can either be
transhipped at the Mahakam river delta (Muara Jawa 160 km/ Muara Berau
250 km) or loaded through Indonesia Bult Terminal (IBT), Pulau Laut.
At either
location the maximum size vessel which can be loaded is Panamax
Coal Quality and Marketing
Multi Brand
Coal has been succesfully marketed in Taiwan, Japan, Hongkong,
Philippines, Indonesia,and other Asian Countries.
PT. Multi
Harapan Utama has established a good reputation as a reliable supplier
of a consistent quality product.
The majority of
coal sales are under long term contract with the coal being manly used
for Power Generation.
Other markets
include cement plants, general industry and steel mills (PCI).
if there any vacancy information, inform me please to my email : or to my phone number 08525075352. I come from Tenggarong and I have finished my education with bachelor degree as my final education. thank you so much
BalasHapusBanyak keluhan masyarakat yang merasa dirugikan oleh pihak management PT. MHU atas lahan mereka yg sudah digusur, tanpa adanya ganti rugi bahkan konfirmasi kepada pemiliknya. Dengan adanya masalah tersebut kami meminta pihak PT. MHU untuk menindak lanjuti permasalahan tersebut sesuai UU yg berlaku.
Perihal :
: 363/PUSI/EX/VI/2014 1 (satu) berkas Konfirmasi Adanya Dugaan Pelanggaran Hak atas Beberapa Bidang Tanah yang Dilakukan PT. MULTI HARAPAN UTAMA (MHU)
Kepada Yth
Bapak Pimpinan Management
Di –
Dengan hormat,
Dasar :
Undang-Undang RI No. 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Agraria
Undang-Undang Hak Asasi Manusia No. 39 Tahun 1999
Dengan ini kami sampaikan, berdasarkan hak atas beberapa bidang Tanah/Lahan perwatasan yang telah dikuasakan oleh pemiliknya kepada Sdr. Sopiansyah, meminta kepada LSM PENGAWASAN UMUM SE-INDONESIA (PUSI), untuk memberikan bantuan Hukum.
Terkait dengan adanya dugaan penyerobotan serta penggarapan tanah/ lahan perwatasan yang dimaksud, oleh Pihak PT. MULTI HARAPAN UTAMA (MHU) tanpa adanya Konfirmasi maupun Realisasi/ganti rugi, terhadap pemilik Tanah/Lahan Perkebunan yang telah dikuasakan sepenuhnya kepada Sdr. Sopiansyah.
Kemudian dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut, maka kami sebagai lembaga Independent, berharap kepada pihak Management PT. MULTI HARAPAN UTAMA (MHU) dapat memberikan kami kesempatan untuk mediasi dan klarifikasi demi menegakkan aturan-aturan serta hak-haknya masyarakat.
Demikian apa yang dapat kami sampaikan, atas kerja-samanya kami ucapkan terima-kasih. Berkas terlampir.
Untuk itu LSM PUSI, menilai dalam hal ini adanya dugaan pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang tersebut, yang dilakukan oleh pihak PT. MULTI HARAPAN UTAMA (MHU) terhadap masyarakat.
M. LEONARD LP Samarinda, 16 Juni 2014
Wk. Sekretaris
• Tembusan :
• Yth, DIreksi PT. MULTI HARAPAN UTAMA (MHU)_di Jakarta
• Yth, DPR RI _di Jakarta
• Yth, Mentri BUMN _di Jakarta
• Yth, Mentri Hukum dan Ham _di Jakarta
• Yth, Lembaga Pemantau Masyarkat Repoblik Indonesia (LPM RI) _di Jakarta
• Yth, DPRD Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara _ di Tenggarong
• Yth, DPRD Provinsi Kalimantan Timur _di Samarinda
• Yth, Bupati Kutai Kartanegara_ di Tenggarong
• Yth, Gubernur Kalimantan Timur _di Samarinda
• Yth, Badan Pertanahan Nasional Daerah Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara _di Tenggarong
• Yth, Badan Pertanahan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur di Samarinda _di Samarinda
• Yth, Badan Pengawas Korupsi Nasional (BPKN KALTIM)_di Samarinda
• Yth, KAPOLDA_di Samarinda
• Yth, Kapolres Kutai Kartanegara _di Tenggarong
• Yth, Kecamatan Loa Kulu _di Loa Kulu
• Yth, Kepala Desa Jembayan_di Jembayan
• Yth, Kepala Dusun Tanjung Laong_di Tanjung Laong
• Yth, Ketua RT. V_ di Tanjung Laong
• Arsip
Sdr. Sahatin (kiri) saat berada dilokasi tanah beserta tanam tumbuh yang dimilikinya berdasarkan garapan sendiri sejak tahun 1964 hingga kini. Tanah tersebut dan tanam tumbuh yang ada diatasnya, seperti yang tampak terlihat pada gambar dibawah ini, Lokasi tanah tersebut terletak di Dusun Tanjung laong RT. V Desa Jembayan Loa Kulu Kukar. Ukuran luas keseluruhan tanah tersebut yang terbagi dalam beberapa Surat Segel, + 16 Ha.
BalasHapusPT. MHU, tanpa adanya pemberitahuan sudah menggarap seluruhnya tanah tersebut untuk diambil batu baranya tanpa adanya pemberitahuan kepihak Sdr. Sahatin maupun Sdr. Sopiansyah selaku kuasa penuh yang sudah dipercayakan pihak keluarga.
BalasHapusMet bersua kembali kawan2...!
BalasHapusPerkenal kan kami dari PT. MEKARJATI JAYA LESTARI, ( Insurance Brokerage ) Bersertipikat Keagenan No. 0611.000.8782, Telah di back up Oleh beberapa perusahaan Asuransi BUMN dan Asuransi SWASTA NASIONAL, serta Bank Garansi yang kami tawarkan tanpa Agunan ( Non - Collateral )
BalasHapus1. Jenis Jaminan Garansi Bank & Asuransi ( Surety Bond yang kami
tawarkan antara lain :
*. Jaminan Penawaran ( Bid Bond )
*. Jaminan Pelaksanaan ( Performance Bond )
*. Jaminan Uang Muka ( Advance Payment Bond )
*. Jaminan Pemeliharaan ( Mantnance Bond )
*. Etc
II : Bank Pendukung antara lain :
III. Asuransi Pendukung antara lain :
REKAPITAL, dan asuransi terdaftar di defqiu keuangan RI.
IV. Kita Juga Melayani Untuk Projec Batu Bara
*. Jaminan Pengadaan Batu Bara
*. Jaminan Pengangkutan Batu Bara dll
*. Marine Cargo Insurance
*. Marine Hull Insurance
*. Personal Accident Insurance
*. Engineering Insurance ( CAR, EAR, MB )
*. All Risk Insurance dll
Hormat Kami
Consultan , Penerbit Jaminan Garansi Bank & Jaminan Surety Bond Tender Projec Non Collatral
Direktur :
Adhy Jati Shantoso. SE
PIN : 5441DAFA
HP . 08. 77777. 840. 16
Alamat kantor :
Jl. Haji Ten Raya No. 8 .jakarta timur 13210
Tel : 021 - 2983 3066 Fax 021 - 2983 3067
E-mail :
Dear, Bapak / Ibu / Purchasing Dept / Bagian Import
BalasHapusPerkenal kan kami : PT. SUN Logistics International, Perusahaan International Freight Forwading EMKL / EMKU mengajukan penawaran Jasa Handling Import baik via Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok atau via Bandara Soekarno Hatta. Serta pelabuhan Nusantara lainnya:
Service Kami:
- Air & Sea Freight (LCL & FCL)
- Bonded Warehousing
- Custom Clearance
- Door To Door Service
- Domestic Service
- Under Name / Consignee
- Borongan /All-In
- Trucking
- Transfer EDI /PIB
- Import Sea Freight Dan Air Freight Service
- Export Sea Freight Dan Air Freight Service
- Import Consolidation
Kami juga bisa membantu barang barang yang menjangkut dengen izin seperti: NPIK, LS, SNI, POM, KARANTINA, ALKES, BAPETEN, DAN LAIN NYA.
Agent : Singapore, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Amerika, Jerman, Italy, inggris, belanda dan lainnya.
Untυk informasi lebih lanjut dapat mehubungi kami. Mobile : 0812 9694 3349 Office: 021- 860 – 3191 (hunting )
Thnks & Best, regards
Import Dept
PT. SUN Logistics International
Jl. Cipinang Muara No. 19 Cipinang Muara, Jatinegara
Jakarta Timur 13420 - Indonesia
M : 0812 9694 3349
P : (6221) - 860-3191 (Hunting)
F : (6221) - 860 3196
E :
w : https//
Dear Purchasing Import,
BalasHapusKepada Yth Ibu/Bapak
Perkenalkan Kami dari PT.BERSAMABETARI SEJAHTERA, adalah perusahaan perdagangan & penyalur Export danImport, Consolidator untuk barang-barang import Baik Door To Door,Resmi(legal), Jasa Customs clearance,serta Undername (pinjam bendera perusahaan).Kami dapat menghandle semua jenis import comudity dengan layanan AIR Freight(via Udara) atau SEA Freight (via Laut) ke Indonesia. SERVICE :1. MELAYANI INTERNATIONAL SEA FREIGHT & AIRFREIGHT FORWARDING, CUSTOMS CLEARANCE,
baik resmi maupun Borongan (All in)di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.2. MELAYANI IZINPERUSAHAAN UNTUK CONSIGNEE IMPORT (UNDERNAME). API – Umum, N.I.K, N.I.B,
N.P.I.K, IT- Jasa import Door To Door/Borongan
- Door To Door sevice
- Door To Port
- Port To Door
- Suku cadang aksesoris mobil, perabotan rumah tangga, Alat kesehatanFarmasi.
- Lboratorium, kedokteran dan bahan-bahan kimia / chemical.3. PENGURUSAN JASA KEPABEANAN (PPJK), HANDLINGIMPORT – EXPORT4 MELAYANI PENGIRIMAN DOMESTIC &INTERNATIONAL SEA & FREIGHT (DOOR TO DOOR, FIOST, PORT TO PORT, CY-CYDIBIDANG ANGKUTAN LAUT,DARAT & UDARA) diseluruh wilayah Indonesia.Jika Perusahan Bapak/ Ibu Ada Rencana Shipments, Mohon DiIsi Data-Data Sebagai Berikut : 1. Kind Of Cargo
2. Dimensi & Gross Weight
3. Port of loading / Pengambilan
4. Port of discharging / Bongkar
5. Lay Can / Kesiapan barang
6. Freight / Anggaran yang sudah ada
7. Condisi Pengiriman Demikian perkenalan ini kami sampaikan, satu kebanggaanbesar bagi kami bila dapat bekerjasama dengan perusahaan Bapak/ibu Pimpin. Atasperhatian dan kepercayaan yang diberikan, Kami ucapkan terimakasih. Thanks Regards,
Mobile : 082110203897 PT. BERSAMA BETARI SEJAHTERA
Gedung 47 Jln.TB Simatupang No. 47 Jakarta Selatan 12530
Tlp : +62-21 - 7824 109 (Hunting)
Fax : +62-21 - 7884 5247
Email : |